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How can I help you?

How DeepCozy Works

Can tap water be used in the nasal irrigation?

How does DeepCozy clean the nasal passages?

How often should I use DeepCozy?

How long do I need when I use it?

What symptoms of nasal problems can be effectively relieved by using DeepCozy nasal irrigation?

Are there any side effects to saline nasal irrigation?

Why do my ears feel blocked even though I use it correctly?

Why can't the water flow to the other side when using it?

About Deepcozy Electric Nasal Irrigation System

How to use?

Can I use generic salt packs for salt refills?

What is automatic cleaning? And how to use it?

How long can it be used after one charge?

What is the warranty period?

What Will Deepcozy Help

What symptoms of nasal problems can be effectively relieved by using Deepcozy nasal irrigation?

Can it help get rid of a runny nose?

What are the benefits of nasal irrigation?

Why do I need to rinse my nose?

Special Notes

Can my child use it?

Can the whole family use it together?

Which groups should use it with caution or not?

Special Notes